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It seems that Mobifree largely depends on the Android/AOSP ecosystem, which is controlled by Big Tech.

But being open source means that one could fork AOSP. Also the Google proprietary stuff comes with the Play Services, not AOSP.

So AOSP is a lot better than the alternatives, I would say.

I have a different feeling about Chromium: it is open source, but through it Google gets to control the future of the Web. But Android is not a standard, it's "just" one OS, so changes made by Google in AOSP don't really impact, say, iOS.

> But Android is not a standard, it's "just" one OS, so changes made by Google in AOSP don't really impact, say, iOS.

That's interesting because I personally do believe that Android is kind of the mobile standard, it has everything to be one, from the wide variety of devices to the certifications of conformity.

Much less than Chromium, right? Almost all users run Chromium, whereas you can run iOS and it has nothing to do with the AOSP codebase.

Let me know when the efforts of Mobifree lead to something that will allow me to install mainline Linux.

There are already phones like that. Go for it.

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