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The first paragraph introduces the idea of a comprehensive initiative for an "all of the above" mobile ecosystem, listing out the key pieces of that ecosystem.

Then there's a lot of mission statement and vision statement type things that appear to be directed at a broad audience, But then specifically they say this:

>F-Droid will play a major role in this project, tasked with creating a decentralized distribution system for developers to deliver apps to Android users.

It feels like that's kind of what F-droid does already (sans decentralization, unless we regard the capability of custom repos as adequate to the task).

So I get the vision, I get the idea of it being under the umbrella of some broader project that's about other aspects of the mobile ecosystem such as operating systems, cloud services, and so on. I'm not sure what's different but I welcome the spirit of the initiative and I suppose that's the important thing.

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