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- Terminal copy-paste

- File tree copy-paste

Other issues include

- Scrolling Jupyter notebooks

It does not help to install as a Progressive Web App, as bugs are still present.

I am not interested in the issues you have with those webapps. I am asking what are the bugs of Safari's implementation of the Clipboard API, since in my experience there are none (except maybe https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=222262 if you want to consider it a bug and not a different interpretation of the specs).

I am not interested in what ticket numbers Safari has. I am interested for the fact that I have $1000+ device and the basic web stuff does not work that works in the other browsers. With the premium price I am paying for Apple, I expect them to produce working software, as much smaller companies like Firefox can do it as well.

I just tested copy-paste in terminal and file tree, on an iPad, using Github Code spaces, in safari, and it worked fine.

Usually these complainer types have some eccentric setup, e.g. custom keyboard app, content blockers, etc going on then blame the browser.

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