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Safari does properly support the clipboard. I used it, right here on my phone to copy and paste:

> if Safari would care more about web standards

Which web standard or standards are you referring to exactly?

> Which web standard or standards are you referring to exactly?

To the standard of Safari being considered the new Internet Explorer by the general public, so anything that goes wrong online is automatically Safari's fault

Isn't Chrome closer to IE considering it nearly has unilateral control over web standards?

The last hope for web standards is WebKit on iOS. Or, it was. Now that, for better or worse, Apple is being forced to allow other engines on iOS I expect that'll change quickly.

There was a long period of the where IE was far from dominant, but was used in enough places that supporting it was non-optional for many businesses. It was holding the web back.

I think it's that period of IE that people are referring to when they say Safari is the new IE.

Which is hilarious as that period was only possible due to the previous embrace-extend-extinguish period that preceded it. Which is the state Chrome is in now.

Perhaps, but I think Google still has a much stronger incentive than Apple (or Microsoft) for the web to be a viable platform. I don't think they would allow Chrome to languish the same way IE did. Instead it's more subtle moves like nerfing ad blockers.

Google has been nerfing the entire web and their search engine for many years. The AI slop flood is their doing in many layers.

Here’s a caniuse that compares the latest (experimental or current whichever is newer) versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, iOS.[1]

Some notable features included everywhere but Safari: - SVG Favicons - Custom protocol handling - asm.js - Resource Prefetch

It’s not all bad though. There are features safari has that no one else does: - CSS Filter Functions - CSS Hanging Punctuation - Audio Tracks - Video Tracks - Device Orientation & Motion Events - Theme Color Meta Tags

1: https://caniuse.com/?compare=chrome+128,edge+125,safari+17.6...

I see two mentions of the clipboard on that page and they both indicate full support in Safari. They don’t indicate that for all other browsers. What are you trying to say here?

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