The difference between medicated vs unmedicated ADHD is something that people can't understand.
Like just being able to focus on one task for hours. Easily.
Instead of your brain and attention bouncing between 15 different shiny things and eventually not getting anything done.
EXCEPT when there's a fire and production is horribly broken and you write the script that fixes it while the support team in India is still figuring out who to invite to a the meeting to discuss about starting to fix it :D (True story)
Or completely replacing the email logic throughout an application with a db backed queue service in order to ensure delivery when the previously configured SMTP direct delivery gets spotty in about 2 hours.
Like just being able to focus on one task for hours. Easily.
Instead of your brain and attention bouncing between 15 different shiny things and eventually not getting anything done.
EXCEPT when there's a fire and production is horribly broken and you write the script that fixes it while the support team in India is still figuring out who to invite to a the meeting to discuss about starting to fix it :D (True story)