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Good point.

If a short session time isnt good enough, you can use a simple key store to check for revoked tokens. Youll be hitting a db but its somewhat better since its just a very small db of revoked tokens.

Its hard for me to imagine though with like a 30 min or even few hour long token, under what circumstances you'd actually revoke tokens. If your db got leaked, you can rotate the key and invalidate all tokens. Otherwise, itd have to be something like you have some post login fraud detection in place. Cause jwt or not, if a user just signed in and a hacker got their auth token, what are you going to do? Sure you need to check the db to revoke it, but the problem is how would you know the tokens been compromised?

> If a short session time isnt good enough, you can use a simple key store to check for revoked tokens.

It's not bad solution per se, but it does negate JWT's main value proposition, which is to not need such a store.

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