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AI Is Driving 'The Next Industrial Revolution.' Wall Street Is Cashing In. (wsj.com)
6 points by bookofjoe 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

> “The next Industrial Revolution has begun,” with businesses and countries converting existing data centers into “AI factories,” Chief Executive Jensen Huang said on an investor call.

No disrespect intended here but it seems like the revenue growth is at vendors who are selling AI infrastructure. What I'm looking for and don't see very clearly is revenue growth from new AI applications. It should be huge--or at least clearly visible--to justify the level of investment.

I agree here. AI reminds me of visual effects is many ways. It was a really neice thing for a while till it exploded....it was really expensive to get hardware for it, and even when you look at vfx today....alot of it is being used by media companies for content creation or advertising.

I see AI in a similar light. Its been here for years but thanks to some recent advanments and better hardware, the average person is now aware of it. Just like CGI used to be. I think the major value in AI is that it can sometimes explain very complex topics in a way the user can understand. Most math teachers have a specific style of teaching or explaining things, and the value of AI is that given the training and the resources....its able to tweak the approach of explaining to the user way better than most teachers Iv had could.

Obviously I think AI is going to see major use in the marketing and advertising world....just like CGI and how vfx took over Hollywood.

The main 2 questions I see is when will good AI hardware become affordable for the average folk....computer parts are so insanly priced now and the cloud movement only makes this worse.

Second, is AGI even possible? Have we peaked in this field or how much is truly left for us to discover? And how do we balance safety with freedom when what's safe changes based on who you ask.

I think most of the applications shown off these days are as you say, not a clear path to revenue growth. But that's because I think they are focusing on the wrong thing. All of this "AI technology" has an amazing ability to capture physics and give better predictions for complex problems. I think this takes time and domain expertise but it will have big impacts on certain industries. But likely more business to business and not consumer things like chatgpt. Anyways, please excuse the self promotion but that's why I organized this conference in September in Oslo about the topic. Here's the sign up page if you are interested:


The money is certainly pouring in and people like Nvidia are making a killing on the speculation, but nothing I have seen so far indicates that any of these AI tools so far are capable of anything on the order of magnitude of the industrial revolution.

Maybe that's why "The Next Industrial Revoluiton" is in quotes. The media is not doing us any favours by publishing more hype.

Perhaps this speculation will eclipse the real Industrial Revolution in terms of damage to the environment.


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