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What's next after software development?
1 point by ssc23 40 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
What kind of roles people have pivoted into after to not be stuck developing code 90% of the day. I have been working as software developer for 4+ year s now and don't see it doing it in the next 4-5.

I wish I could do development for 90% of the day. It seems the more experience you get in the software industry the more you are pushed away from just coding. It's a bizarre underestimation of software engineering..

In other words, you probably don't need to do anything. Most orgs will naturally ask you to mentor others, then manage teams, then manage projects. If there are companies that have senior or higher roles with 90% development, I would like to know because I want to code as much as possible for as long as possible.





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