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Linux as the new developer default at 37signals (world.hey.com)
31 points by Tomte 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I feel like the massive industrialization of software development has really squeezed a lot of this stuff out. The focus on the task at hand has really overwhelmed the broader holistic competencies folks used to have; the tension between efficiency versus holistic expertise has gotten so far to one side that the struggle isn't even visible in most places.

I'd love so much to see cool come back. To see companies be, hey, yeah, we do encourage (and will help) you to run good systems that you can get better at, systems that form a worthwhile ecosystems. Not everyone needs the passion & drive for Linux-as-channel-to-self-enrichment, but it is a path and there should be way more workplaces where you re brushing shoulders with others also interested in & engaging those paths.

>and being cut off from seeing how half our Basecamp customer base saw by default (since they're on Windows!). Either way, it's over. Apple is no longer the exclusive default at 37signals. Going forward, we're working to make Linux the default for developers and system operators (and welcoming Windows back in the mix for accounting/marketing).

They mentioned Window in the first part and then later it is still not being dog fooded in any of the developers machine.

I wonder if DHH is opening a lot of issues and trying to fix things as he bumps into issues. I've always been so intimidated by contributing to stuff on Linux because it can be so hard to even figure out where to report the issue when you bump into something weird.

I hope that more makers (myself included) will jump to Linux and start bringing some the polish and love there that has gone into so many mac apps.

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