Agent-based healthcare concierge basically (agents constantly trawling literature for ways to optimize your health, doing scheduling/appointments for you, moving data to new doctors when needed, etc.)
Thinking is: this was a massive tar pit in the past, new interop laws and AI tooling makes it possible now.
Health optimization based on literature searches is a fool's errand. A certain niche segment of the "worried well" is constantly reading studies (often of questionable quality) and chasing marginal gains with the latest drugs, supplements, recovery modalities, or whatever. Meanwhile they still have poor sleep hygiene, insufficient exercise, and unresolved emotional problems. Major in the major, minor in the minor.
Those other agent features could be useful, though.
No offense but the whole "biohacking" and "quantified self" community is mostly a clown show. It might be a fun hobby but there's little or no reliable evidence that any of that stuff actually leads to improved outcomes in terms of lifespan or healthspan or performance or whatever. Any business built around that community might get a few early adopters but won't cross the chasm to the mainstream market.
And I write this as someone who has personally wasted money on stuff like genetic tests for athletic performance. Interesting, but not actionable.
For common symptoms, conditions, and medications consumers mostly just rely on WebMD or similar sites.