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Show HN: We open sourced our entire text-to-SQL product (github.com/dataherald)
464 points by aazo11 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 144 comments
Long story short: We (Dataherald) just open-sourced our entire codebase, including the core engine, the clients that interact with it and the backend application layer for authentication and RBAC. You can now use the full solution to build text-to-SQL into your product.

The Problem: modern LLMs write syntactically correct SQL, but they struggle with real-world relational data. This is because real world data and schema is messy, natural language can often be ambiguous and LLMs are not trained on your specific dataset.

Solution: The core NL-to-SQL engine in Dataherald is an LLM based agent which uses Chain of Thought (CoT) reasoning and a number of different tools to generate high accuracy SQL from a given user prompt. The engine achieves this by:

- Collecting context at configuration from the database and sources such as data dictionaries and unstructured documents which are stored in a data store or a vector DB and injected if relevant

- Allowing users to upload sample NL <> SQL pairs (golden SQL) which can be used in few shot prompting or to fine-tune an NL-to-SQL LLM for that specific dataset

- Executing the SQL against the DB to get a few sample rows and recover from errors

- Using an evaluator to assign a confidence score to the generated SQL

The repo includes four services https://github.com/Dataherald/dataherald/tree/main/services:

1- Engine: The core service which includes the LLM agent, vector stores and DB connectors.

2- Admin Console: a NextJS front-end for configuring the engine and observability.

3- Enterprise Backend: Wraps the core engine, adding authentication, caching, and APIs for the frontend.

4- Slackbot: Integrate Dataherald directly into your Slack workflow for on-the-fly data exploration.

Would love to hear from the community on building natural language interfaces to relational data. Anyone live in production without a human in the loop? Thoughts on how to improve performance without spending weeks on model training?

Curious why you decided to open source your entire product. Are you moving to an open core model? I’d expect in that case that much of 2, 3 & 4 would have stayed closed. Would be grateful if you can share your reasoning

This is often the move when the team's spent the money developing something and now the end's in sight, so they want the chance to leave and take the code with them.

Don't know if this is that at all, but it's always worth considering.

That is almost certainly what’s happening here. They raised $3M three years ago, at the peak of evaluations, and don’t have the metrics to raise a Series A in the current climate. Running out of money and want to leave some artifact behind. A very difficult and emotional transition.

I don't understand the "leave the code with them" part

You can look at the history of Erlang for a similar example. A very crude summary could be that Ericsson developed the language, took it to production, and then they decided to replace it with Java. The people that did the language design convinced management to release Erlang and the VM as FOSS, and then they promptly went and started a company that could use the tooling they'd developed.

I'm aware I'm leaving out a lot of detail, but it's not clear to me what has become public knowledge and what has not and I happen to know some people that were involved.

I think they mean by open sourcing, they can take the code to a new startup without having IP legality issues.

Would open sourcing the core IP of a company “typically” require board approval?

If a company goes under, the investors will want to sell off the IP, open sourcing everything would make that IP less valueable. There must be some blanket clause in the term sheet to cover that, right? Ie: founders won’t do anything which will materially hurt the company without board approval (or something, I am no where close to a lawyer, this is all conjecture)

If it mattered it would have become part of VC contracts years ago.

Early stage VCs make money on the big winners, not on the tail end of companies that don’t exit for 100x. For the most part, except for patents the IP is worth less than the Aeron chairs at the end.

> Would open sourcing the core IP of a company “typically” require board approval?

At this stage, if they can't raise a series A I'd assume they still have a majority of the "board" to themselves.

getting into enterprise is hard, so probably trying open source to help with that.

Enterprises are spending lots of time and money on this. The biggest issue that has slowed down sales cycle at this stage has been data governance. Most folks think it’s about accuracy or latency (which of course is an issue) but data governance can make this whole thing a non starter.

Can you explain more about why governance is the issue with a service like this? Companies not wanting their data to go off prem?

yes. some want BYOC solutions. others don't want to even be perceived as being used to train an LLM. not to mention CCPA, GDPR, etc etc etc.

lots of questions around what data is being sent to the LLM, or just schema.

Interesting. So by open sourcing you think companies can self host and it negates some of these issues? Or is your goal into increase future contributions to keep the project alive and developing?

What % of the NL -> SQL problem is solved in the current version? Ie is this something ready for some type of prod work now, or is it “in 2-3 years we’ll be there”?

Not OP, but there was an EHR SaaS company on HN a day or two back with a similar proposition: it’s open source, so it can be independently verified from a security perspective. It was interesting to me because the code was unusable to normal folks, and even other companies - one of the founders described their moat being the trouble of actually integrating with the ecosystem, and weren’t worried about competitors using it. It really hammered home to me how open source is more and more a marketing lever lately.

There are organizations using Dataherald in production right now.

The latency is ~20-30s and it takes some set up, so as long as those are not blockers it can be used in prod.

For companies that are willing to put in some effort, the self hosting option is a great one. There are certain use cases where this works now, and is already in production. These tend to be use cases with some constraints and don’t deal with very sensitive data.

This looks really cool, can't wait to check it out. The problem I've seen with other tools I've tinkered with is that they do well with simple stuff like:

"what are my latest orders" -> select * from orders where user_id=x order by created_date

But really struggle when you have a complex schema that requires joins, and basically has no support when you are describing something that needs outer joins or the like. Would be great to hear if DataHerald has cracked that nut or if it's still a challenge for you as well (no judgement if it is, it seems like a hard problem).

great question, and the one that we get the most :-) this is precisely why we created Dataherald. Off the shelf LLMs can handle a single table and simple questions. Dataherald's quest is to ultimately provide enterprise-grade text to SQL, where complex schema and joins are present. it does take some training, but we've found that it can handle situations such as the one you mention above.

Perhaps orthogonal problem - imagine you join a new company that has an enterprise product with hundreds of tables. Is there a way to connect Dataherald to my DB, and ask basic questions about the DB? E.g. "where are stored records related to X".

Yes when you connect Dataherald to a DB it scans it and you can do exploratory queries.

What happens when the tables and columns have cryptic names/acronyms? Do you need to inject documentation?

So from the look of this, you’re open sourcing all of the agent/usage code, but I’m guessing you’re keeping the trained model in-house, so that becomes the value prop for Dataherald the product - the trained LLM?

We open-sourced our text-to-sql product last year too (way more simple than this):


These sorts of businesses are really hard to build: incumbents have such an advantage. Makes so much more sense for this to be (a) open source (b) tied to snowflake / powerbi that have free distribution and a good security story.

We also encounter a lot of build vs buy conversations with businesses.

I still wonder who the audience is for tools like this. The website posits you can answer data questions without going through an analyst, but the role of the analyst is not to be a SQL whisperer for PMs and Executives - it is to be an expert in the model and the data. A data warehouse of any real scale is going to have some amount of issues - anomalous data, different interpretations of the same numbers - how does the LLM deal with that consistently across a business?

the target audience is developers who wish to embed text to SQL functionality into their own products. the target audience is less the 'internal use case' (i.e. a data analyst) and more about letting external users do things they couldn't do before. a good example is payroll software where this type of technology can allow users to pull reports.

With what level of accuracy? And what guarantee of correctness? Because a report that happens to get the joins wrong once every 1000 reports is going to lead to fun legal problems.

You still need someone who understands why you should use which approach to get the data you need without getting completely wrong numbers back that _look_ perfectly fine but reflect fantasy, not reality.

> With what level of accuracy? And what guarantee of correctness? Because a report that happens to get the joins wrong once every 1000 reports is going to lead to fun legal problems.

The truth is everyone knows LLMs can't tell correct from error, can't tell real from imagined, and cannot care.

The word "hallucinate" has been used to explain when an LLM gets things wrong, when it's equally applicable to when it gets things right.

Everyone thinks the hallucinations can be trained out, leaving only edge cases. But in reality, edge cases are often horror stories. And an LLM edge case isn't a known quantity for which, say, limits, tolerances and test suites can really do the job. Because there's nobody with domain skill saying, look, this is safe or viable within these limits.

All LLM products are built with the same intention: we can use this to replace real people or expertise that is expensive to develop, or sell it to companies on that basis.

If it goes wrong, they know the excited customer will invest an unbillable amount of time re-training the LLM or double-checking its output -- developing a new unnecessary, tangential skill or still spending time doing what the LLM was meant to replace.

But hopefully you only need a handful of such babysitters, right? And if it goes really wrong there are disclaimers and legal departments.

Getting joins wrong once in 1000 queries would beat 99.9% of experienced data analysts.

Our standards for AI are too high.

If an autonomous car causes one wreck per ten million miles, people set the cars on fire.

When someone finds an LLM that suggests eating a small rock every day, that anecdote is used to discredit all LLM results.

This shit makes errors. But what is the alternative? Human analysts who get joins wrong four times in ten? Human drivers who cause wrecks 30 times per ten million miles? Human social media recommendations about nutritional supplements?

The autonomous car analogy is a good one. The technology is overall so far superior to a human (probably scrolling TikTok) driving but the moment it makes a mistake we remove the AEV which would be to to higher societal benefit.

Decisions should be made against an alternative, not against some fictitious perfect solution.

i agree that there will be "early adopter" type use cases and others that might take a while (e.g. healthcare with hipaa compliance)

it is still the early days. goal is to give the developer tools to do this easier.

Enough of this weasel talk.

It's not the early days.

Not by a country mile.

To quote Cory Doctorow

> I don’t see any path from continuous improvements to the (admittedly impressive) ”machine learning” field that leads to a general AI any more than I can see a path from continuous improvements in horse-breeding that leads to an internal combustion engine.

You can counter it doesn't necessarily need an AGI here but that doesn't change the fact you can't crank this engine harder and expect it to power an airplane.

And, as always https://hachyderm.io/@inthehands/112006855076082650

> You might be surprised to learn that I actually think LLMs have the potential to be not only fun but genuinely useful. “Show me some bullshit that would be typical in this context” can be a genuinely helpful question to have answered, in code and in natural language — for brainstorming, for seeing common conventions in an unfamiliar context, for having something crappy to react to.

> Alas, that does not remotely resemble how people are pitching this technology.

> can't crank this engine harder and expect it to power an airplane.

Similarly, but from my far-less notable-self in another discussion today:

> [H]uman exuberance is riding on the (questionable) idea that a really good text-correlation specialist can effectively impersonate a general AI.

> Even worse: Some people assume an exceptional text-specialist model will effectively meta-impersonate a generalist model impersonating a different kind of specialist!

Indeed, AI is not marketed as a BS generator, just as HTTP is not marketed as a spam/ad/fraud/harassment transport protocol. All technologies are dual-use, deal with it!

There's the old adage of "trust, but verify" with LLM's I'm feeling it more like "Acknowledge, but verify, and verify again". It has certainly pointed me in the right direction faster vs google "here's some SEO stuff to sort through" :)

I agree with you. The larger point with text to SQL, however, is that it will not work if it is a simple wrap of an LLM (GPT or otherwise). Text to SQL will only work if there is a sufficient understanding of the business context required. To do this is hard, but with tools such as Dataherald a dev's life gets a whole lot easier.

what is your affiliation with Dataherald

Likely co-founder and CEO: https://www.dataherald.com/company

Yes. Correct.

Its not the early days in terms of expecting digital tools to be correct 99% of the time. Early adoption age was back in 2000-2009. Now everyone expects polished tools that does what it expects them to do

"...what it expects them to do"

therein lies the nuance. some people expect to get a natural language answer back. others expect to get a data table back. others expect to get correct SQL back. this is why it's so important to understand the use case and not bucket everything together.

if you expect correct 99% of the time, you will be waiting for a very very very long time for most, except for the most constrained, use cases

I agree that is a more reasonable use-case. The readme for this tool seems geared toward the business of answering business questions.

Tbh the original intention was to be the "data analyst" but we found over time (and with literally 100s of user conversations at small cos and enterprises) the embedded use case was more interesting and made for a better business, which was not at all what we expected.

Could you share how products integrate txt to sql within a product? Very curious

Search bar within the SaaS interface that allows user to ask data questions and returns back NL answer or specific cut of data

Why do you think that's more reasonable :)

To me it seems a more risky use-case since you don't have control/observability over what an untrusted user is asking for?

> the target audience is developers who wish to embed text to SQL functionality into their own products

Who is asking?

you wouldnt believe the amount of developers that don't know how to write sql

Because ORM libraries were invented 30 years ago.

There is no requirement to learn SQL for most of the applications built today.

> Because ORM libraries were invented 30 years ago.

> There is no requirement to learn SQL for most of the applications built today.

In the same way that because Linked List libraries were invented 50 years ago, there is no requirement to learn what linked lists are for most of the applications built today?

You aren't getting past the requirement to learn relational databases "because ORM", and there is no material or course that teaches relational databases without teaching SQL.

The unfortunate result of this is that people who boast about knowing $ORM while not knowing SQL have never learned relational databases either.

ORM doesn't really excuse you from understanding what's going on. In a way using ORM is more difficult because you have to understand both what sql you want and how to get the framework to generate it for you.

Of course there's a lot of incompetent people who have no idea what they're doing, if it seems to work they ship it. That leads to a lot of nonsensical bullshit and unnecessarily slow systems.

Most applications dont need to get data from a relational database. But for those apps that do, knowing SQL is pretty much a must have. The developer himself or someone on the team.

Depends how good you want the application to be

hmm not sure I understand the question

I think GP meant 'where or from whom have you seen/heard demand for this?'.

Weirdly, I was just thinking about using an LLM to form sql queries for me, because I've forgotten much of what I knew. First time I had that thought and 5 minutes later, this fascinating idea rolls into my feed to pull me in further. I know I'm not exactly the target audience, but now I'm intrigued.

I went through a coding/design bootcamp a while back and there was virtually no focus on SQL, so a lot of my classmates were hesitant to jump into relational dbs for projects. I could see it being used in a tool for new devs or those who've focused on a JS stack and need some help with SQL.

> I could see it being used in a tool for new devs or those who've focused on a JS stack and need some help with SQL

Or they could buy a book like Learning SQL. Or spend a weekend on Youtube.

allow me to clarify.. Dataherald isn't intended for developers because they don't know SQL, it's intended for developers who want to build text to SQL into their products

But who wants text-to-sql in products that they use? You wouldn't be able to trust the results. So what is it useful for? Of course you could learn to check the output. But then you could just learn SQL. I know dozens of not particularly technical people (certainly not software developers) who have learnt enough SQL to be useful over a couple of days.

The demand is huge. Accuracy is less important because the alternative is being completely in the dark or wait for a developer to get the data for you. In my experience people want to quickly get a ballpark number before they dig deeper.

I agree that you should just learn SQL but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of companies want this right now. SQLAI claims to have hundreds of thousands of customers.

Couldn’t agree with this more. Exactly.

I think a lot of people want something like this. Especially as more non technical people are adding business analysts to their jd.

I’ve tried to teach SQL to PMs, bug triage specialists, etc. even a couple of days is too much time for them to learn something not critical or core to their job. Their alternative is to bug data teams with adhoc requests, which data people hate.

A tool like this would probably save 15% of a data teams time, and reduce the worst part of their job. At companies with hundreds, or even thousands, of data folks - that’s massive

And the users are smart people. They can read SQL to see if it looks like the right filters are applied. The “accuracy” issue exists but for certain use cases, it’s honestly not the biggest concern.

Not sure why the tone in this thread is so negative. To the founders, thank you!

we've encountered a lot of instances when people know SQL but just want a first draft of SQL to expedite the process. we see this a lot from data analysts too.

While the engine response is not accurate all the time, the engine returns a confidence score. We have never encountered cases where a deployment with necessary training data indicates a .9 confidence score on an incorrectly generated SQL.

We’ve seen demand from all types of SaaS applications where the user might need data— software that helps customer support staff answer data questions, CRM, payroll software, just to name a few.

This is the grievance I have as a data scientist. It is one of the fields where things are technical, while meanwhile everyone thinks they could do the job and provide excessive input and exact direction.

there is a middle ground here. the most complicated queries will need the intel and business context of a smart data scientist. there are however so many types of queries where automation would make the world so much easier and allow more self-serve type data inquiries. too often the rhetoric around these topics is binary as in "it works" or "it doesn't work." in reality, there are certain use cases that work now and others that don't yet.

Interesting! I am assuming it can do complex joins. Are there any examples of text -> sql it produces? I looked on the website but only saw "coming soon"

Yes. There is a schema linking step which identifies relevant columns and tables including any foreign key relationships if they exist.

The agent also can be finetuned on sample NL <> SQL pairs or they can be used in few shot prompting.

This is awesome! While I'm nowhere near being able to leverage this right now, I am currently going through the painful process of "databasing" raw documents into SQL, and I can tell you that perhaps the hardest part is getting the schema correct; as you put it "natural language can often be ambiguous". Even worse, is just the squishiness of things never originally intended to be specified for software.

Communication always has been, and continues to be, the hardest part of software development.

Super cool to see this!! I've been prototyping with NL-to-SQL recently, one problem I've stumble into is how to prevent mistakes from impacting your database, be it a hallucination or even a malicious actor who was able to send a prompt to the LLM agent. I don't have much input about the questions you asked here, but feel free to contact me (info on my profile) if you'd like to talk about those other aspects!!

Sure will reach you out. Currently Dataherald blocks DML or DDL commands from being generated/executed.

I built a similar thing with a streamlit interface for an hackathon recently.


It looks like the supported vector DBs are Pinecone and Astra. Have you looked into Postgres with pgvector? I’ve started experimenting with building RAG flows for pgvector, works fairly well.

Right now the supported Vector stores are Chroma (which you can self-host), Pinecone and Astra. Adding a new vector store is quite easy: you just need to extend the VectorStore class (https://github.com/Dataherald/dataherald/tree/main/services/...) and set it as the Vector store module to be used in the environment variable https://github.com/Dataherald/dataherald/blob/main/services/...

CoT, OPA, CoALA … these techniques can deliver massive performance improvements. Are there any other methods for agent frameworks?

any way to follow these developments vs pure LLM research?

Am I misreading this code? It looks like you don't have precomputed table representations and search, instead you scan, embed, and compare on each run?


Tables, columns and views are scanned at configuration time (or based on an API trigger) and stored in the data store and a vector store, not on every run.

They are then retrieved and injected based on relevance to the query.

That's one of the more feature rich AI analytics assistants. (1)

Kudos for open sourcing. I think it's really difficult to build a business around that, but there are some successful examples in the space: metabase, airbyte, dbt, (maybe databricks?)

(1) https://github.com/Snowboard-Software/awesome-ai-analytics

I understand that this does better than the average LLM because you can train it using the database structure. But since database structures can change a lot, it might require retraining often.

Is retraining being done automatically after each PR that modifies the DB? Is there a way to inject the DB structure in the context?

Have you considered enforcing a grammar on the LLM when it is generating SQL? This could ensure that it only generates syntactically valid SQL, including awareness of the valid set of field names and their types, and such.

It would not be easy, by any means, but I believe it is theoretically possible.

That sounds overkill. It's usually enough to just tell the LLM to output valid SQL and it will adhere to the schema.

In our experience building louie.ai for a continuous learning variant of text2query (and for popular DBs beyond SQL), getting syntax right via a symbolic lint phase is a nice speedup, but not the a correctness issue. For syntax, bigger LLMs are generally right on the first shot, and an agent loop autocorrects quickly when the DB gives a syntax error.

Much more time for us goes to things like:

* Getting the right table, column name spelling

* Disambiguating typos when users define names, and deciding whether they mean a specific name or are using a shorthand

* Disambiguating selection when there are multiple for the same thing: hint - this needs to be learned from usage, not by static schema analysis

* Guard rails, such as on perf

* Translation from non-technical user concepts to analyst concepts

* Enterprise DB schemas are generally large and often blow out the LLM context window, or make things slow, expensive, and lossy if you rely on giant context windows

* Learning and team modes so the model improves over time. User teaching interfaces are especially tricky once you expose them - learning fuzzy vs explicit modes, avoid data leakage, ... .

* A lot of power comes from being part of an agentic loop with other tools like Python and charting, which creates a 'composition' problem that requires AI optimization across any sub-AIs

We have been considering OSS this layer of louie.ai, but it hasn't been a priority for our customers, who are the analyst orgs using our UIs on top (Splunk, OpenSearch, Neo4j, Databricks, ...), and occasionally building their own internal tools in top of our API. Our focus has been building a sustainable and high quality project, and these OSS projects seem to be very different to sustain without also solving that, which is hard enough as-is..

The agent currently executed the generated SQL (limited to 10 rows) and recovers from errors.

That cannot be done when using OpenAI API calls as far as I know

Nobody in the original post or this entire discussion said anything about OpenAI until your comment.

I thought it was fairly obvious that we were talking about a local LLM agent... if DataHerald is a wrapper around only OpenAI, and no other options, then that seems unfortunate.

The agent is LLM agnostic and you can use it with OpenAI or self-hosted LLMs. For self hosted LLM we have benchmarked performance with Mixtral for tool selection and CodeLlama for code generation.

Perhaps orthogonal problem - imagine you join a new company that has an enterprise product with hundreds of tables. Is there a way to connect Dataherald to my DB, and ask basic questions about the DB? E.g. "where are stored records related to X".

Dump the schema, create a document for each table, use LLM with rag?

Would you be interested in merging with Vanna in some way?

You’re ahead of us in terms of interface but we’re ahead of you in terms of adoption (because of specific choices we’ve made and partnerships we’ve done).

This is a historical contribution. Thank you for doing it!

Basically all the enterprises with a lot of data need to "chat with their data" right now.

I can't imagine how many teams are doing similar stuff right now.

SQL is really close to a natural language that's unambiguous, there's a few rough edges but it's not bad. Anything more natural requires a lot of context and needs to solve ambiguity.

"Anything more natural requires a lot of context and needs to solve ambiguity.

this is precisely why we created Dataherald-- to make it much easier to add that business context so that NL to SQL could actually be good enough to get into production

while i agree, there is clear demand for people to use natural language to SQL. we have tremendous conviction around the desire for natural language tools, but of course the technology and product need to deliver desired results.

Thank you! This is exactly something we are look for at querro.io


discord invite in case anything comes up

fantastic. let us know how it goes :-)

>Would love to hear from the community on building natural language interfaces to relational data.

I produce a free sql editor that allows users to plugin openai to perform text to sql: https://www.timestored.com/qstudio/help/ai-text2sql so far uptake is slow and the only good benefit is to spit out a few queries as a starting point. The accuracy went up significantly by sending schema and sample data but it sounds like you've done a good job at going beyond that. I wouldn't say my users or I am convinced it's the future but I'll certainly look at your product tomorrow. Good work and congratulations.

Yes please do. We’d love your feedback and or to hear whether you see material improvement over what you have now

Never understood why I would want to use this over an NLP+ORM system.

At least with that you get 100% accuracy at the expense of having to use a fixed syntax.

ORMs generally map around entities and dimensions. Users generally ask about metrics and measures, which can be expressed in aggregations and group bys.

How ould the NLP+ORM system do this?

Hey! Why did you open source it? Genuinely curious.

What guarantees do you offer with query security if I turn this over to an end user? How do I keep them only accessing their own data?

We recommend users leverage row-level security features built into modern RDBMS so the query results only return data for a given user.

You can read more on how to do that on Postgres here https://www.2ndquadrant.com/en/blog/application-users-vs-row...

Where do you recommend this? It sounds dangerous for databases that do not implement RLS, like Mysql, MariaDb, Sqlite. I think you should highlight that very clearly somewhere.

Any number of database namespacing techniques already present in postgresql can prevent this. Link the user sign-on to a DB user and you’re gold.

What? How does that ensure user 123 only generates LLM queries that constrain on rows where user=123?

As I wrote on the original thread, we recommend using the RDBMS row-level security features.

This blog discusses how to do that on Postgres


Way way too complicated. I thought this tool was suppsed to make my life easier

is there an easier way?

Yes write SQL

The question was around row level security

Is this more like text-to-semantic layer or does it throw the schema in the prompt and generate SQL with the llm?

This is not a text to semantic layer but it does far more than just inject schema into the prompt:

- the engine keeps an updated catalog of the data (low cardinality columns, their values etc) - taps into query history and finetunes the model to the schema - allows uploading context from unstructured sources like docs and data dictionaries - has an agent which collects all relevant info, generate the SQL, tries to retrieve a few rows to recover from errors and provides an confidence score to the generated SQL

Are you going to keep maintaining the package?

we intend to

did data-herald not find usecases or user problems to solve using its tech ?

are any startups applying LLMs profitable at all ? or is it just a mirage - ie, in the real world, startups are not able to solve users problems well using LLMs.

It's a great idea.

Of course, there will be some ambiguities, but maybe over time you can somehow constrain the input language a bit, adding some structure to it, such that you can query a database in English-like syntax without any ambiguities.

That would be nice!

Are there strategic parts of the stack you haven’t open-sourced?

The entirety of the codebase is now open source.

It’s sometimes hard to understand how you keep a business running when you’ve open-sourced your entire stack, both consumers self-hosting but even worse would be a competitor just taking what you spend R&D budget on & rehosting it with a cheaper price since they don’t need to pay for that R&D. From a business perspective, do you see the operational challenge of running your stack at scale as the differentiator?

Not affiliated with OP and therefore unable to answer your question, but there's a lot of products that built traction that way: WordPress, GitLab, Discourse, Docker, Ubuntu, ...

I think it solves the problem of gaining traction today, at the expense of future market power. Then they face a choice of pulling a HashiCorp or being OK with being a commodity provider rather than a fancy unicorn.

I can see the appeal, a humble business is better than no business, isn't it?

I struggle to see why chatgpt can't do this already?

Then you haven’t used it very much.

Yes totally agree. You can easily sniff out products that are simple wrap of GPT

Wouldn't a full featured OS GUI be a simple wrap of the command line? Would this make it less valuable to have?

I think it would make it unusably slow.

Not finding the license anywhere. Which one have you chosen?

Hi -- the license is Apache 2.0

Is that documented somewhere? The "contributing" link in the readme also 404s. I would definitely need to understand the licensing and how contributing works before I could consider integrating this (and I would definitely consider it!). Cool stuff.

We'll make the licensing more visible. Stay tuned in a few minutes.

thanks much!

Added the License

Guess it's public domain since there is no license

Just for future reference - if no license is given it's unlicensed. Licensing defaults closed for extremely good reasons - that's one of the reasons why github had a strong push for users to assign appropriate licensing documents to repositories a while back and declare those licenses in machine readable forms (if applicable).

Apache 2.0.

Is the only LLM support OpenAI?

"The agent is LLM agnostic and you can use it with OpenAI or self-hosted LLMs."

Will it work with GraphQL?

Currently does not but looking to add support. Would love to connect and learn more about your use case.


/? awesome "sql" llm site:github.com https://www.google.com/search?q=awesome+%22sql%22+llm+site%3... :

- awesome-Text2SQL: https://github.com/eosphoros-ai/Awesome-Text2SQL :

> Curated tutorials and resources for Large Language Models, Text2SQL, Text2DSL、Text2API、Text2Vis and more.

- Awesome-code-llm > Benchmarks > Text to SQL: https://github.com/codefuse-ai/Awesome-Code-LLM#text-to-sql

- underlines/awesome-ml//llm-tools.md > RAG > OpenAI > dataherald,: https://github.com/underlines/awesome-ml/blob/master/llm-too...

- underlines/awesome-ml//llm-tools.md > Benchmarking > Benchmark Suites, Leaderboards: https://github.com/underlines/awesome-ml/blob/master/llm-too... :

- sql-eval: https://github.com/defog-ai/sql-eval :

> This repository contains the code that Defog uses for the evaluation of generated SQL. It's based off the schema from the Spider, but with a new set of hand-selected questions and queries grouped by query category. For an in-depth look into our process of creating this evaluation approach, see this.

> Our testing procedure comprises the following steps. For each question/query pair: 1. We generate a SQL query (possibly from an LLM). 2. We run both the "gold" query and the generated query on their respective database to obtain 2 dataframes with the results. 3. We compare the 2 dataframes using an "exact" and a "subset" match. TODO add link to blogpost. 4. We log these alongside other metrics of interest (e.g. tokens used, latency) and aggregate the results for reporting

- dataherald/services/engine/dataherald/tests/sql_generator/test_generator.py: https://github.com/Dataherald/dataherald/blob/main/services/...


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