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> I think that they should not have allowed to overload = and , operators

Comma operator I would agree is really only used for shenanigans. But operator= is as crucial as the copy/move constructors for ownership, so I'm not sure how you picture this...

> apparently in C++ a structure cannot really have zero length

Yes it can: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/attributes/no_uni...

> I think it should be possible for your own structure or union type to overload any operators that are not already defined

I see that you are trying to solve the problem of "when reading this code, I don't know if these are the built-in operators or custom ones". I would be interested in learning about situations in which this was a problem for you, because I have not made that experience myself. From my perspective, you need to know the types of x and y to know in the first place which operations are possible - default or custom - so this rule does not really buy you much. But again, I don't think I understand your problem well enough.

FWIW, you can define a custom operator-> and operator* (they have to return pointers, or types that themselves have operator->/operator* which are then applied recursively). I am not convinced that mixing pointer-related semantics into e.g. object assignment is a sufficiently elegant solution from a conceptual perspective though.

> > apparently in C++ a structure cannot really have zero length

> Yes it can: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/attributes/no_uni...

A structure with no members can be made to have zero length as a member of something else but not as part of its own definition. I.e., the `[[no_unique_address]]` attribute is a property of the member, not of the struct on its own. It's somewhat annoying that you can't flag an empty struct as being really empty, and have no-unique-address-ness applied everywhere it's used automatically; you have to flag every use with the attribute manually.

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