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> Comp clawbacks are quite common in finance, at least contractually

Never negotiated on exit.

I don't think it was negotiated on exit. It was threatened on exit. The ability to do it was almost certainly already in place.

> The ability to do it was almost certainly already in place

Why? OpenAI is a shitshow. Their legal structure is a mess. Yanking vested equity on the basis of a post-purchase agreement signed under duress sounds closer to securities fraud than anything thought out.

I'm not saying it was thought out, I'm saying it was in place. My understanding is that the shareholders agreement had something which enabled the canceling of the shares (not sure if it was all shares, shares granted to employees, or what). I have not seen the document, so you may be right, but that's my understanding.

> the shareholders agreement had something which enabled the canceling of the shares

OpenAI doesn't have shares per se, since they're not a corporation but some newfangled chimeric entity. Given the man who signed the documents allegedly didn't read them, I'm not sure why one would believe everything else is buttoned up.

If its not negotiated on exit why are they requesting additional documents to be signed when leaving? Clearly nothing like this was agreed at the start of employment.

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