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It's really maddening just how right the board was.

The majority of employees didn’t care about a lying CEO or alignment research: they wanted the stock payoffs and Sam was the person offering it - end of the day that’s what happened with the coup.

Now Sam is seen as fucking with said stock, so maybe that isn’t panning out. Amazing surprise.

It's funny to me to read now about employees of OpenAI being coerced or tricked or whatever. Didn't they threaten to resign en masse a few months ago, in total unquestioned support of Sam Altman? They pretty much walked into it, in my opinion.

That's not saying anything OpenAI or Altman do is excusable, no way. I just feel like there's almost no good guys in this story.

While true, it doesn't mean they were offering a better alternative.

I wish more people didn't expect an alternative before getting rid if a bad situation. Sometimes subtraction, rather than replacement, is still the right answer.

Well appropriately enough it was an AI movie that taught as a valuable lesson, namely that sometimes the only correct move is not to play.

It's such an insidious idea that we ought to accept that you can just give up your promises you explicitly made once those rules get into your way of doing exactly what they were supposed to prevent. That's not anyone else's problem, that was the point! The people that can't do that are supposed to align AI? They can't align themselves

I'll bet Emmett Shear would've been a fine CEO.

Doesn't really matter at this point because they gave literally zero info to the public or most of the company employees when they fired Altman. Almost no one sided with them because they never attempted to explain anything.

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