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What about your inconsistent candor Gizmodo? This site hasn't always been truthful, trust me. I've been reading Gizmodo for years.

This is an example of the “tu quoque” fallacy [0], and has no bearing on the claim they’re making about Sam.


Does Gizmodos sketchy past discredit the evident discrepancy between Sam's words and deeds? Or do you mean that one excuses the other? I really don't see your point.

So this article isn't truthful then, or you'd just like us to have a vague distrust of Gizmodo and the article is true?

What about whataboutism?

Isn't what you did here a perfect example of how – if we were to take it seriously – any discussion could be "stopped" merely by whatabouting about the messenger?

I think Sam Altman can defend himself.

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