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I still think the space adds more readability than the dot dectracts. If you don't like the dot though, I would use a comma. We have been writing for a couple centuries now, and the comma is well known and used.

   search result := users, find all by name (name)

   if search result, is present() { 
      return ok(search result, get())
   } else {
     return not found()

Few more improvements:

   // comma is optional, used for disambiguation
   search result := users, find all by name. // omitted parameters match words

   if search result is present,  // empty brackets can be omitted
      return ok(search result value); // API change for better readability 
      return: not found. // colon is another optional delimiter 
I actually like it so much, I would try to write a transpiler to Java…

I have to confess I rather like that comma!

Then we could use . instead of ; for line endings, and we're almost writing prose :)

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