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Also older versions of FORTRAN, according to Crockford at least :)

> It is good to have names containing multiple words, but there is little agreement on how to do that since spaces are not allowed inside of names. There is wun [sic] school that insists on the use of camel case, where the first letter of words are capitalized to indicate the word boundaries. There is another school that insists that _ underbar should be used in place of space to show the word boundaries. There is a third school that just runs all the words together, losing the word boundaries. The schools are unable to agree on the best practice. This argument has been going on for years and years and does not appear to be approaching any kind of consensus. That is because all of the schools are wrong.

> The correct answer is to use spaces to separate the words. Programming languages currently do not allow this because compilers in the 1950s had to run in a very small number of kilowords, and spaces in names were considered an unaffordable luxury. FORTRAN actually pulled it off, allowing names to contain spaces, but later languages did not follow that good example ... I am hoping that the next language does the right thing and allows names to contain spaces to improve readability.

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