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Underscore is a double-pinky keystroke.

As someone who has battled RSI, I stopped using snake case and underscore-prefixed member variables because of the added stress all those underscores place on the weakest fingers.

I have a programmable keyboard which I have bound underscore to LeftAlt+N, input with my left thumb + right index fingers. The first key is functionally not a Left Alt key, it is a layer key that shares the same position as where you would find a Left Alt key on keyboards.

But you do have a point because not everybody has access to programmable keyboards almost all the time. Maybe snake_case isn't that ergonomic now that I think about it, although I find it easier to read than camelCase.

Ultimately, the winner is still kebab-case, which is both aesthetically pleasing and is not a double-pinky keystroke!

Why are you not bending the keyboard's will to your whims ?

Apparently I type underscore with a chord on my right hand, pinky on right-shift and middle-finger up to underscore. I never noticed before your comment.

I just realized that I always use my ring finger for underscores. I wonder if that changed how I feel about snake case.

that’s interesting to me. For me it’s a left pinky-right ring finger move. We probably have different keyboard sizes, afaik.

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