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> Why would you need a secondary market to buy $DJT shares?

The people buying shares on the stock exchange are not buying them from Trump. They are not buying them from Truth Social. Trying to bribe Trump by buying DJT on the open market is beyond bone-headed dumb.

Trump owns 57% of the shares. (Possibly more now; https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/22/business/trump-media-stock-tr... says 65% either now or shortly) You don't need to buy new ones from Truth; you buy ones already on the market to run the price up. This directly benefits the guy holding the majority of the shares, and in a few months he can freely sell them.

Same way a pump-and-dump works, but the "victims" (who've already run similar plays; https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/10/us/jared-kushner-saudi-in...) don't even mind losing the money.

> You don't need to buy new ones from Truth; you buy ones already on the market to run the price up. This directly benefits the guy holding the majority

You’re describing a pump without the dump. There are a lot of reasons this is invalid. Please take it from a professional in this space for decades that your hypothesis is testably false. Even if it did transfer wealth to the Trumps, it wouldn’t do so definitively, and so be diluted in leverage in comparison with a smaller, more direct measure.

Trump would obviously be the one dumping some shares.

As a professional in the space, help me understand. What prevents the Saudis from offering $10-20B to take $DJT private by buying out all the shareholders?

(Like Musk’s $420 tweet that got him SEC minders, but real.)

Yes, this is clearly a two-party coordinated pump and dump. Unless anyone wants to claim with a straight face that Trump Social is a good investment at its current price-to-earnings ratio?

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