I suppose it depends on your own perspective. For my part, a world in which people "date" algorithms instead of other human beings certainly seems pretty dystopian.
And then when the algorithm transcended everyone realized that they knew how to love and could simply love the people around them. About the most utopian AI story I’ve ever seen.
HEH... ok? I'm not sure that's relevant. The question is - does a human developing a relationship with a post-human sentience make the story automatically dystopian?
Seems to be you'd have to be pretty prejudiced against AI to say "yes".
I think that when algorithms become as sophisticated as what's shown in Her, we have to come to regard them as people, which means they have rights to do with themselves as they please, including getting romantically involved with humans.
More frightening is Ex Machina, which shows what happens when such an AI isn't regarded as a person by its creator, and sees fit to take personhood for itself.
Heh, arguably we already date algorithms and break up with real people. It's the disconnect between the two that people are sad about... the matching algos and profiles set impossible standards for regular people.
I’m glad I met my wife before dating apps were a thing. Though I have to ask, why can’t you just meet someone the “normal” way without an app doing it for you?
I'm in a similar position to you, but from singler friends, I've heard two reasons. Firstly, all the other single people are on the apps. Secondly, some are concerned about being seen as a creep when flirting or approaching the "normal" way. Thus, online dating is the new normal, and the old-fashioned talking in person is less common.