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Hehe, that's kinda funny since I've recently been accused of being anti-Google for defending DDG and using it as my default search provider in Chrome :)

So no, I'm not a fanboy of any kind. I have products and companies that I prefer, but not to the point of fanboy-ism.

Actually, I do own one Mac product that I enjoy quite a bit: I have a Mac Mini plugged into my TV for casual web browsing and Hulu (it's the only device hooked up to the TV in fact).

It's just that it doesn't make sense that someone would "absolutely hate" either, let alone both.

Ah, I see your point. Maybe "absolutely hate" was too strong. I wrote that pretty quickly. The sentiment I was trying to express is that I really don't find the iPad useful at all, nor do I even enjoy using it as a toy.

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