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> What's not fine is how you prevent Ansible from running the same command over and over. You need to make a folder full of empty semaphore files that get touched when the command runs...

> One of my patrons pointed out that I need to use Ansible conditionals in order to prevent these same commands from running over and over.

Yes-ish. As I'm pretty sure OP figured out due to the pre-made roles comment, there exists a `community.general.dnf_config_manager` module that would handle this specific issue. As a general rule in Ansible, as ansible-lint [0] will tell you, is if you're using `ansible.builtin.{command, shell}`, there's a decent chance you're Doing It Wrong (TM).

The biggest problem I have with Ansible (and I say this as someone who uses it extensively with Packer to build VM templates for Proxmox in my homelab) is that, like its underlying Python, there are a dozen ways to do anything. For example, if you wanted to perform a set of tasks depending on arbitrary conditions, you could:

0. Use `when` and rely on things like named host groups

1. Use `when` and rely on manually handling state throughout plays

2. Use handlers

3. Break down the tasks into logically-scoped roles, and manually call roles

4. Do #3, but rely on Ansible's role dependencies instead

5. Use semaphore files / `creates` as OP did

6. Probably something else

[0]: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint

It's true, the flexibility can be both a boon and a curse. There should be a little more "best practices" info out there that's not too prescriptive. It doesn't help that a lot of pre-made roles on Ansible Galaxy vary widely in style and quality. Certainly no one wants to inherit Ansible code that's nothing but shell and command modules, but sometimes those are crucial gap fillers when an idempotent module isn't available for the task or is missing needed functionality. And even then, specialized (as opposed to general use) modules are only idempotent within themselves and you still sometimes need to check and pass the state of things between tasks and stick that in a registered variable combined with conditionals if the multiple tasks are dependent on each other or require a specific ordering.

I think a good generalized "best practice" is to keep those inter-task dependencies and conditionals to a minimum though. Small chunks or no chunks at all. It's always better to find a way to just run tasks independently with no knowledge of each other. The block module with "rescue" is useful for failing out a host gracefully if there's a bundle of finicky inter-dependent tasks that just have to run together though.

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