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I hadn't considered that steam could carry tiny particles of minerals, but it's obvious now that you point it out. So demineralized water would probably be closer to pure H2O. I've never noticed demineralized water at my grocery store, but maybe that's just because I've never looked. But I will next week!

microplastics and forever chemicals both show up in clouds and rainwater, so I'm guessing they're both in distilled water, but I wonder if at least the microplastics are removed from demineralized water

In the USA it is almost always labeled distilled water.. I've never seen "demineralized water" advertised as the alternate methods are relatively new (at a competing price point).. but they would likely just be called purified, and you'd have to look at the label.

Purified water may or may not be demineralized, depending on the method used to purify.

Basically any other form of bottled water is about as regulated as homeopathic remedies... Short of killing people, nobody really watches them. This is part of the reason why distilled water is recommended for home medical use like CPAP machines or Neti pots, with purified as second best (though it COULD be equal or better, the term is too generic)

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