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Counting and estimation are different by definition. One is a full enumeration, the latter an extrapolation from sampled data. In both cases 'accuracy' is a factor. Even if we are counting the number of stars, it is still a difference of technique compared to estimating the number if stars.

I could try to count fibers in muscle or grains of sand in the beach, chances are accuracy would be low. One can be smart about technique for more accurate counts, eg: get 10M sand counters and give them each 1kg of sand which they then count the grains with tweezer and microscope. That is counting. At the same time, we could find an average count of grains in 1kg sand from a random 100 of our counters, and then estimate what an expected total would be. The estimate can be used to confirm the accuracy of the counts.

They are not really as far apart a you think. At small numbers, yes get are distinct. At large enough numbers, they in all practicality the same thing. E.g what’s the population of the US

And by that definition this is a counting algorithm.

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