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I think this has been the biggest benefit to my mental health working from home.

The ability to take a minute or thirty when I need it and not wonder what the perception of those around me is. Some of my best ideas come to me as I load the dishwasher.

I tend get more done when I can bounce between ideas, projects, states of mind, locations, etc than when I'm powering through something at a desk for hours at a time.

Hammock driven development https://youtube.com/watch?v=f84n5oFoZBc

When I worked in an office I'd get up and go on walks, or move to a sofa and let the problem simmer a bit, several times a day. I've been fortunate to work in companies which seem to, I think, recognize these are productive activities

I could never begin to count the times I have been grinding away at something, making zero progress, and the right idea comes to me two minutes after I step away from my machine.

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