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It’s a mixed bag. Yes there is a lot of hipster fanboyism. But I’ve also seen a lot of old timers coming from a career in C++ where Rust basically formalizes a lot of best practices and removes a lot of the worst footguns. I see the hope in their miserable faces and so there is definitely something real about Rust – and not necessarily Rust itself, but just the proof of concept of it, that it’s possible to solve many of the problems low-level programmers have just accepted as fact-of-life for a long time.

Me personally I’m not from that background, and coming from higher level languages the selling points are not nearly as compelling given the learning curve and less mature ecosystem around many things. For instance, language performance is rarely the limiting factor in say API/backend development. Usually you have networking, io and databases eating most of your lunch, and also horizontal scaling is typically already in place for other reasons.

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