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I can't wait for the day when instead of engineering disciplines solving problems with knowledge and logic they're instead focused on AI/LLM psychology and the correct rituals and incantations that are needed to make the immensely powerful machines at our disposal actually do what we've asked for. /s

"No dude, the bribe you offered was too much so the LLM got spooked, you need to stay in a realistic range. We've fine-tuned a local model on realistic bribe amounts sourced via Mechanical Turk to get a good starting point and then used RLMF to dial in the optimal amount by measuring task performance relative to bribe."

RLMF: Reinforcement Learning, Mother Fucker!

qntm's short stories "Lena" and "Driver" cover this ground and it's indeed horribly dystopian (but highly recommended reading).


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