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So I am the only one stupid enough to have a private cloud? And the biggest and most successful corporations have trusted their intellectual property to Microsoft and Google? Boy, I am living under the rock. It is time to break all the walls. Right?

Microsoft and Google have thousands of security engineers focused on protecting your data.

This would be the same Microsoft that can´t explain to the US State Department how there was a golden key floating around that allowed their email to be hacked?


Oh, well in that case, they can access whatever data they'd like!

The calculation considers potential financial damage from having a cloud based security issue and most will find that the financial damage * risk < efficiency gains from just using cloud where everything is handled for you and you can just focus on your work.

People make different decisions due to different preferences. There’s no need for melodramatic character judgements here, relax lol. You’re not stupid. People who chose differently aren’t either.

if it’s not hard for you why change?

if it is, maybe time to reconsider.

Uhh, I guess yes? There's a reason that pretty much the entire internet goes down every time AWS has an outage lol.

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