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These kinds of feats aren't more or less impressive with age. Maybe the opposite, teens have so much free time.

When I was 17 I was working on a programming language, and I promised myself I would find the time to finish it during college. But during college I didn't have the time.

I have two friends who founded a startup at 16, one of which was quite succesful. I can think of two seperate friends who started a Minecraft hostar at 16, both of which makes up the majority of minecraft servers hosted in the Netherlands currently and one of them is now a generic hostar with his own datacenter.

And this isn't a problem in and on itself, but phrasing it like this discourages older people to work on pet projects. I started working as a Cyber Security TA at a private IT school and older students keep telling me "I'll never be as good as you because I didn't start so young" and it's a harmful mindset. Because it only took me a few years to learn what I know. Stating your age everywhere as a young developer reinforces this mindset in people.

If you want to see a teen/student do cool stuff. I suggest checking Adam McDaniel on GitHub. That dude really is impressive.

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