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I'm talking about the people one encounters on hackernews, who are the ones I personally am most likely to actually debate these things with. I gave a specific example, the "and so are you" rejoinder to "it's just a stastical model" which, pithy though it is, implies all that I said. There are numerous examples of much lengthier and more explicit statements of that position to be found in any topic related to AI, consciousness, the recent death of Daniel Dennett, etc. If you don't hold that position then don't consider yourself among those I'm referring to, but its prevalence (or at least loudness) on HN can't be denied.

There's no "mischief" and I somewhat resent the suggestion. I haven't attempted to even argue with the viewpoint I describe, only to point out that it (and therefore also softer positions related to it) cannot currently be disproved so attempting to argue with it from a position of assuming it's irrefutably wrong is a non-starter, not that that stops many people from trying to argue with it in exactly that way.

I was trying to point out why it seems difficult and tiring to have a grown up discussion about this stuff, not misrepresent anyone's opinion.

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