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I actually really like the ARNGREN.net site- reminds me of the funky product classified ads that you used to see in the back of magazines like Popular Mechanics.

What that arngren.net is missing is the cheesy Johnson Smith ads for X-ray specs! and Sea Monkeys! Johnson Smith was like the cheap claw machine of magazine ads. You knew that all you were going to get was crap, but it was fun crap. Maybe it helped that it took like 2 months to come and you were imagining how great it would be the whole time.

Did anyone actually buy those xray glasses? I’d love to know what crap actually arrived

I personally think this website is amazing... I mean, how do you even maintain something like this?

Absolute positioning and manual html editing :)

Okay hear me out:

instagram, but instead of infinite scroll you just show a blank canvas. When you post you include an xy position used to absolutely position it on the wall. Everything is 100x100 pixels max. Epoch time of post date determines zIndex.

Absolute insanity. Commendable.

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