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If LLM could invent consistent imaginary games (or anything, like a short novel, or a 3 page essay on anything it want), maybe i would agree with you. The issue is that anything it create is inconsistent. The issue might be an artificial limitation to avoid copyright issues, but still.

Actually my argument was the opposite. We as humans can imagine a game, explain it to the LLM and it learns, consistently, every time.

Generating new games is something else, that is creativity not merely intelligence.

But even that. Did you try to use GPT4 as a chess engine? I have issues with the Slav defense when i start with the queen's gambit, i tend to loose tempo or position, or both. I asked him continuations, and it was either wikipedia entries or nonsense, no in-between, no interesting insight. Now, i have asked a regional champion a bit before that (he is around 2.2k elo, so not exceptionally good) and although i can't seems to understand or use the concepts, he gave me interesting enough ideas to build on it.

Not saying that chatGPT isn't a great tool to write documentation or fiction (half my TTRPG campains are featuring description by ChatGPT), but i wouldn't call it intelligent.

Chess is a very specific field that requires training. Chatgpt may not be optimized for chess.

And I think chatgpt has some issues visualizing stuff like a chess board.

Therefore to get a decent answer you'll have to explain that you are a professional chess player. You'll have to describe what tempo and position means in chess. You'll have to describe what a gambit is etc. After these steps it will understand and guide you in whatever you need.

If you succeed you can release it as a customGPT.

It's a bit like asking a tea from the ship's supercomputer in hitchikers guide to the galaxy.

I see your point, I don't know enough to evaluate it rationally and agree (or disagree) with it.

It feels like ChatGPT already know that stuff, because it knows 10 times more openings and variations than I do, and can tell me official game names and years. Still, it seems it doesn't really understand? That the issue for me. Like the story of the French scrabble champion who doesn't speak french at all. It's impressive, sure, but how can he knows that much and not understand?

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