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I agree and disagree with you at the same time.

Some items are indeed crap, and I won't buy them (especially in their first version). But some others, including office chairs suit me well. I bought 3 of them at least, and never experienced any problem.

The lack table will surely break soon, but what do you exactly expect from a 10 bucks table ? :)

I don't know exactly out of France, but the other furniture stores are usually more expensive, and offer crappier stuff than Ikea. (As long as you don't search for a 200 euro table of course).

"But some others, including office chairs suit me well."

Investing in a proper (edit: very good quality) office chair for my development rig was certainly one of the best investments I made. I don't know if you've seen it, but if not I suggest to take a look at http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2008/07/investing-in-a-qual...

Already read this article. But I have a weird way of working . I sit on my chair like a yoggi ^^. Sounds weird but work for me :)


Yes. My $300 dollar chair is horrible for how I sit. But how do you align good desk/monitor height with your elevated knees? I need a desk that has minimal surface area in front and center, so my knees have room to pop up.

but don't you still need good lower back support? If you don't mind sharing, what chair are you using? I'm genuinely interested.


I used to have this one (the older version, with better back support) http://www.ikea.com/fr/fr/catalog/products/00146677/

But with my new flat, I still dont have much furniture and use this (shame on me I know :)). http://www.ikea.com/fr/fr/catalog/products/50221711/

I might search for a really nice chair in several months though. I would probably go for something like this : http://www.ikea.com/fr/fr/catalog/products/S19896843/.

In my opinion, best back support is simply not to stay hours without getting up on the same chair. The yoga position keeps your (or at least mine) back automatically in a correct position.

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