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I’m 100% positive lots of people at Google were chomping at the bit to productize LLMs early on.

But the reality is, LLMs are a cannibalization threat to Search. And the Search Monopoly is the core money making engine of the entire company.

Classic innovators dilemma. No fat-and-happy corporate executive would ever say yes to putting lots of resources behind something risky that might also kill the golden goose.

The only time that happens at a big established company, is when driven by some iconoclastic founder. And Google’s founders have been MIA for over a decade.

Golden goose is already being hoisted upon a spit — and your company is not even going to get even drippings of the fat. I am surprised by the short-sightedness of execs.

I don’t work there, I’ve just worked for lots of big orgs — they are all the same. Any claimed uniqueness in “Organizational structure” and “culture” are just window dressing around good ol’ human nature.

It’s not short sightedness, it’s rational self-interest. The rewards for taking risk as employee #20,768 in a large company are minimal, whereas the downside can be catastrophic for your career & personal life.

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