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I don’t feel that OpenAI has a huge moat against say Anthropic. And I don’t know OpenAI needs Microsoft nearly as much as Microsoft needs OpenAI

But is it even clear what is the next big leap after LLM? I have the feeling many tend to extrapolate the progress of AI from the last 2 years to the next 30 years but research doesn't always work like that (though improvements in computing power did).

Extrapolating 2 years might give you a wrong idea, but extrapolating the last year suggests making another leap that was GPT3 or GPT4 is much, much more difficult. The only considerable breakthrough I can think of is Google's huge context window which I hope will be the norm one day, but in terms of actual results they're not mind-blowing yet. We see little improvements everyday and for sure there will be some leaps, but I wouldn't count on a revolution.

Unlike AI in the past, there is now massive amounts of money going into AI. And the number things humans are still doing significantly better than AI is going down continously now.

If something like Q* is provided organically with GPT5 (which may have a different name), and allows proper planning, error correction and direct interaction with tools, that gaps is getting really close to 0.

AI in the past (adjusted for 1980s) was pretty well funded. It's just that fundamental scientific discovery bears little relationship to the pallets of cash.

Funding in the 1980s was sometimes very good. My company bought me an expensive Lisp Machine in 1982 and after that, even in “AI winters” it mostly seemed that money was available.

AI has a certain mystique that helps get money. In the 1980s I was on a DARPA neural network tools advisory panel, and I concurrently wrote a commercial product that included the 12 most common network architectures. That allowed me to step in when a project was failing (a bomb detector we developed for the FAA) that used a linear model, with mediocre results. It was a one day internal consult to provide software for a simple one hidden layer backprop model. During that time I was getting mediocre results using symbolic AI for NLP, but the one success provided runway internally in my company to keep going.

That funding may have felt good at the time compared to some other academic fields.

But compared to the 100s of billions (possibly trillions, globally) that is currently being plowed into AI, that's peanuts.

I think the closest recent analogy to the current spending on AI, was the nuclear arms race during the cold war.

If China is able to field ASI before the US even have full AGI, nukes may not matter much.

You are right about funding levels, even taking inflation into account. Some of the infrastructure, like Connection Machines and Butterfly Machines seemed really expensive at the time though.

They only seem expensive because they're not expected to generate a lot of value (or military/strategic benefit).

Compare that the 6+ trillions that were spent in the US alone on nuclear weapons, and then consider, what is of greater strategic importance: ASI or nukes?

> AI in the past (adjusted for 1980s) was pretty well funded.

A tiny fraction of the current funding. 2-4 orders of magnitude less.

> It's just that fundamental scientific discovery bears little relationship to the pallets of cash

Heavy funding may not automatically lead to breakthroughs such as Special Relativity or Quantum Mechanics (though it helps there too). But once the most basic ideas are in place, massive is what causes the breakthroughs like in the Manhatten Project and Apollo Program.

And it's not only the money itself. It's the attention and all the talent that is pulled in due to that.

And in this case, there is also the fear that the competition will reach AGI first, whether the competition is a company or a foreign government.

It's certainly possible the the ability to monetize the investments may lead to some kind of slowdown at some point (like if there is a recession).

But it seems to me that such a recession will have no more impact on the development of AGI than the dotcom bust had for the importance of the internet.

> A tiny fraction of the current funding. 2-4 orders of magnitude less.

Operational costs were correspondingly lower, as they didn't need to pay electricity and compute bills for tens of millions concurrent users.

> But once the most basic ideas are in place, massive is what causes the breakthroughs like in the Manhatten Project and Apollo Program.

There is no reason to think that the ideas are in place. It could be that the local optimum is reached as it happened in many other technology advances before. The current model is mass scale data driven, the Internet has been sucked dry for data and there's not much more coming. This may well require a substantial change in approach and so far there are no indications of that.

From this pov monetization is irrelevant, as except for a few dozen researchers the rest of the crowd are expensive career tech grunts.

> There is no reason to think that the ideas are in place.

That depends what you mean when you say "ideas". If you consider ideas at the level of transformers, well then I would consider those ideas of the same magnitude as many of the ideas the Manhatten Project or Apollo Program had to figure out on the way.

If you mean ideas like going from expert system to Neural Networks with backprop, then that's more fundamental and I would agree.

It's certainly still conceivable that Penrose is right in that "true" AGI requires something like microtubules to be built. If so, that would be on the level of going from expert systems to NNs. I believe this is considered extremely exotic in the field, though. Even LeCun probably doesn't believe that. Btw, this is the only case where I would agree that funding is more or less irrelevant.

If we require 1-2 more breakthroughs on par with Transformers, then those could take anything from 2-15 years to be discovered.

For now, though, those who have predicted that AI development will mostly be limited by network size and the compute to train it (like Sutskever or implicitly Kurzweil) have been the ones most accurate in the expected rate of progress. If they're right, then AGI some time between 2025-2030 seems most likely.

Those AGI's may be very large, though, and not economical to run for a wider audience until some time in the 30's.

So, to summarize: Unless something completely fundamental is needed (like microtubules), which happens to be a fringe position, AGI some time between 2025 and 2040 seems likely. The "pessimists" (or optimists, in term of extinction risk) may think it's closer to 2040, while the optimists seem to think it's arriving very soon.

IMO their next big leap will be to get it cheap enough and integrated with enough real time sources to become the default search engine.

You can really flip the entire ad supported industry upside down if you integrate with a bunch of publishers and offer them a deal where they are paid every time an article from their website is returned. If they make this good enough people will pay $15-20 a month for no ads in a search engine.

I don’t think we’re even close to exhausting the potential of transformer architectures. gpt4o shows that a huge amount can be gained by implementing work done on understanding other media modalities. There’s a lot of audio that they can continue to train on still and the voice interactions they collect will go into further fine tuning. Even after that plays out there will be video to integrate next and thanks to physics simulations and 3D rendering there is a potentially endless and readily generated license free supply of it, at least for the simpler examples. For more complex real world video they could just set up web cams in public areas around the world where consent isn’t required by law and collect masses of data every second. Given that audio seems to have enabled emotional understanding and possibly even humour, I can’t imagine what all might fall out of video. At the least it’s going to improve reasoning since it will involve predicting cause and effect. There are probably a lot of others you could add though we don’t have large datasets for them.

Not saying it’s going to be the same, but I’m sure computing progress looked pretty unimpressive from, say, 1975 to 1990 for the uninitiated.

By the 90s they were still mainly used as fancy typewriters by “normal” people (my parents, school, etc) although the ridiculous potential was clear from day one.

It just took a looong time to go from pong to ping and then to living online. I’m still convinced even this stage is temporary and only a milestone on the way to bigger and better things. Computing and computational thought still has to percolate into all corners of society.

Again not saying “LLM’s” are the same, but AI in general will probably walk a similar path. It just takes a long time, think decades, not years.

Edit: wanted to mention The Mother of All Demos by Engelbart (1968), which to me looks like it captures all essential aspects of what distributed online computing can do. In a “low resolution”, of course.

Computing progress from 78 to 90 was mind-blowing.

1978: the apple ][. 1mhz 8 bit microprocessor, 4kb of ram, monochrome all-,caps display.

1990:Mac IIci, 25mhz 32-bit CPU, 4MB ram, 640x480 color graphics and an easy to use GUI.

Ask any of us who used both of these at the time: it was really amazing.

They were amazing, and the progress was incredible, but both of those computers - while equally exciting and delightful to people who saw the potential - were met with ‘but what can I actually use it for?’ from the vast majority of the population.

By 1990 home computer use was still a niche interest. They were still toys, mainly. DTP, word processing and spreadsheets were a thing, but most people had little use for them - I had access to a Mac IIci with an ImageWriter dot matrix around that time and I remember nervously asking a teacher whether I would be allowed to submit a printed typed essay for a homework project - the idea that you could do all schoolwork on a computer was crazy talk. By then, tools like Mathematica existed but as a curiosity not an essential tool like modern maths workbooks are.

The internet is what changed everything.

A big obstacle was that everything was on paper. We still had to do massive amounts of data entry.

For some strange reason html forms is an incredibly impotent technology. Pretty standard things are missing like radioboxes with an other text input. 5000+ years ago the form labels aligned perfectly with the value.

I can picture it already, ancient Mesopotamia, the clay tablet needs name and address fields for the user to put their name and address behind. They pull out a stamp or a roller.

Of course if you have a computer you can have stamps with localized name and address formatting complete with validation as a basic building block of the form. Then you have a single clay file with all the information neatly wrapped together. You know, a bit like that e-card no one uses only without half data mysteriously hidden from the record by some ignorant clerk saboteur.

We've also failed to hook up devices to computers. We went from the beautiful serial port to IoT hell with subscriptions for everything. One could go on all day like that, payments, arithmetic, identification, etc much work still remains. I'm unsure what kind of revolution would follow.

Talking thinking machines will no doubt change everything. That people believe it is possible is probably the biggest driver. You get more people involved, more implementations, more experiments, more papers, improved hardware, more investments.

> The internet is what changed everything.

Broadband. Dial-up was still too much of an annoyance, too expensive.

Once broadband was ubiquitous in the US and Europe, that's when the real explosion of computer usage happened.

Honestly mobile totally outstrips this.

One day at work about 10-15 years ago I looked at my daily schedule and found that on that day my team were responsible for delivering a 128kb build of Tetris and a 4GB build of Real Racing.

I agree. Likewise, early AI models to GPT4 is breathtaking progress.

Regular people shrug and say, yeah sure, but what can I do with it. They still do this day.

It was only 11 years from pong to ping.

You and your family and friends were online in 1983? That’s quite remarkable.

No, but that’s when “ping” was written, which is what you said.

(And, irrelevant, but my parents were in fact both posting to Usenet in 1983.)

Kind of missing the forest for the trees, but TIL the actual application called ping was written in 1983.

mobile internet and smartphones were the real gamechanger here, which were definitely not linear.

They became viable in the 2000's, let's say 2007 with the iPhone, and by late 2010's everyone was living online, so "decades" is a stretch.

To make the 2000s possible, decades of relatively uninteresting progress was made. It quickly takes off from there.

I don't think it particularly matters right now (practically speaking). It's going to take years for businesses and product companies to commoditize applications of LLMs, so while it's valuable for the Ilyas & Andrejs of the world to continue the good work of hard research, it's the startups, hyperscalers and SaaS companies who are creating business applications for LLMs that going to be the near term focus.

In just a couple of generations each training cycle will cost close to $10 billion. That's a lot of cheddar that you have to show ROI on.

The majority of the developers may know what LLMs are in an abstract sense, but I meet very few that really realize what these are. These LLMs are an exponential leap in computational capability. The next revolution is going to be when people realize what we have already, because it is extremely clear the majority do not. RAG? Chatbots? Those applications are toys compared to what LLMS can do right now, yet everyone is dicking around making lusty chatbots or naked celebrities in private.

> The next revolution is going to be when people realize what we have already

Enlighten us

It is both subtle and obvious, yet many are missing this: if you want/need a deep subject matter expert in virtually any subject, write a narrative biography describing your expert using the same language that expert would use to describe themselves; this generates a context within the LLM carrying that subject matter expertise, and now significantly higher quality responses are generated. Duplicate this process for several instances of your LLM, creating a home brewed collection of experts, and have them collectively respond to one's prompts as a group privately, and then present their best solution. Now there is a method of generating higher reliability responses. Now turn to the fact that the LLMs are trained on an Internet corpus of data that contains the documentation and support forums for every major software application; using the building blocks described so far, it is not difficult at all to create agents that sit between the user and pretty much every popular software application and act as co-authors with the user helping them use that application.

I have integrated 6 independent, specialized "AI attorneys" into a project management system where they are collaborating with "AI web developers", "AI creative writers", "AI spreadsheet gurus", "AI negotiators", "AI financial analysts" and an "AI educational psychologist" that looks at the user, the nature and quality of their requests, and makes a determination of how much help the user really needs, modulating how much help the other agents provide.

I've got a separate implementation that is all home solar do-it-yourself, that can guide someone from nothing all the way to their own self made home solar setup.

Currently working on a new version that exposes my agent creation UI with a boatload of documentation, aimed at general consumers. If one can write well, as in write quality prose, that person can completely master using these LLMs to superior results.

>I have integrated 6 independent, specialized "AI attorneys" into a project management system where they are collaborating with "AI web developers", "AI creative writers", "AI spreadsheet gurus", "AI negotiators", "AI financial analysts" and an "AI educational psychologist" that looks at the user, the nature and quality of their requests, and makes a determination of how much help the user really needs, modulating how much help the other agents provide.

Ah yes, "it's so obvious no one sees it but me". Until you show people your work, and have real experts examining the results, I'm going to remain skeptical and assume you have LLMs talking nonsense to each each other.

The point is these characters are not doing the work for people, it co-authors the work with them. It's just like working with someone highly educated but with next to no experience - they're a great help, but ya gotta look at their work to verify they are on track. This is the same, but with a collection of inexperienced phds. The LLMs really are idiot savants, and when you treat them like that they respond with expectations better.

I'm at a law firm, this is in use with attorneys to great success. And no, none of them are so dumb they do not verify the LLM's outputs.

How can no one see what we have today? You only need six instances of an LLM running at the same time, with a system to coordinate between them, and then you have to verify the results manually anyway. Sign me up!

If a certain percent of the work is completed through research synthesis and multiple perspective alignment, why is said novel approach not worth lauding?

I've created a version of one of the resume GPTs that analyses my resume's fit to a position when fed the job description along with a lookup of said company. I then have a streamlined manner in which it points out what needs to be further highlighted or omitted in my resume. It then helps me craft a cover letter based on a template I put together. Should I stop using it just because I can't feed it 50 job roles and have it automatically select which ones to apply to and then create all necessary changes to documents and then apply?

epic… and not a single of these “experts” likely can solve even a basic goat problem https://x.com/svpino/status/1790624957380342151

but at some point, probably in the near future, they will. And then this system I have will already be in place, and that added capability will just arrive and integrate into all the LLM integrated systems I've made and they'll just improve.

I agree with OP, I think we still have no idea yet what dreams may come of the LLM's we have today. So no one will be able to "enlighten us" — perhaps not until we're looking in the rear-view mirror.

I would say instead, stay tuned.

LLM is all you need

Attention and scale is all you need

Anything else you do will be overtaken by LLM when it builds its internal structures

Well, LLM and MCTS

The rest is old news. Like Cyc

There are no moats in deep learning, everything changes so fast.

They have the next iteration of GPT Sutskever helped to finalize. OpenAI lost it's future unless they find new same caliber people.

> They have the next iteration of GPT Sutskever helped to finalize

How do you know that they have the next GPT?

How do you know what Sutskever contributed? (There was talk that the most valuable contributions came from the less well known researchers not from him)


What should this mean?

Isn't access to massive datasets and computation the moat? If you and your very talented friends wanted to build something like GPT-4, could you?

It's going to get orders of magnitude less expensive, but for now, the capital requirements feel like a pretty deep moat.

How do you know massive datasets are required? Just because that’s how current LLMs operate, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the only solution.

Then the resources needed to discover an alternative to brute-forcing a large model are a huge barrier.

I think academia and startups are currently better suited to optimize tinyml and edge ai hardware/compilers/frameworks etc.

I Don't know. Being able to get azure credits has payed out really well for openai as a business in constant need of computer.

Which is a very short term advantage. And Anthropic gets aws credits which would you rather have?

Never discount the value of short term advantages.

Being first at the start (i.e. first mover advantage) is huge.

Given Amazon's no show in the AI space? Azure. By a mile.

Except if you're Anthropic or OpenAI you don't care about what your compute provider has done in the AI space - you care about the compute power they can give you.

That's exactly what I'm talking about: https://i.imgur.com/sZ3tniY.jpeg

But how many of those are ordered specifically for OpenAI, and are on order as a result of them to begin with? Do you think if we were in a parallel universe where OpenAI ended up partnering with Google or Amazon instead, the GPU shipments would look the same? I think they would reflect wherever OpenAI ended up doing all their compute showing a pretty similar lion's share.

Your claim was that people should care about compute based on what the provider has done in the AI space, but Microsoft was pretty far behind on that side until OpenAI - Google was really the only player in town. Should they have wanted GCP credits instead? Do you care about their AI results or the ex post facto GPU shipments?

Or, if what you actually want to argue is that Anthropic would be able to get more GPUs with Azure than AWS or GCP then this is a different argument which is going to require different evidence than raw GPU shipments.

The claim being implied was that Anthropic was in a better position because they had partnered with AWS versus Azure and thus they would have more access to GPU.

That isn't the case, at all. All I'm stating is what the chart clearly shows - Azure has invested deeply in this technology and at a rate that far exceeds AWS.

They seem to have a huge "money moat" now. Partnerships with Apple and MS mean they have a LOT of money to try a lot of things I guess.

Before the Apple partnership, maybe it seemed like the moat was shrinking, but I'm tno sure now.

Likely they have access to a LOT of data now too.

OpenAI most definitely needs the compute from MSFT. It could certainly swap out to another service but given that microsoft invested via credits it would be problematic. They have enmeshed their future.

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