Your good intentions are well appreciated, but Scribd is the only site of its kind with a working copyright filter that has to check every single document uploaded against literally tens of thousands of document “thumbprints.” If you had any idea of the amount of content that is blocked, you would take a less condescending attitude toward the uphill battle we fight against illegal activity.
There are literally hundreds of copies of Stephenie Meyer books (”Twilight”, etc) that are blocked EVERY DAY, same with Harry Potter, dummies books, etc.
Sure, someone’s going to run a query and find an exception and will post their ‘gotchas’ here. And yes, everyone has an opinion about what Scribd should be doing to combat infringing users. And someone will upload a copyrighted book, and will post their “See?! They STEAL!!” comments before the copyright filter finds it. They always do.
But the fact is Scribd is doing far more than any of our competitors in this area. We have a far more responsive and effective copyright policy than any of our competitors. As a result, Scribd has more deals with major publishers than any of our competitors.
There are literally hundreds of copies of Stephenie Meyer books (”Twilight”, etc) that are blocked EVERY DAY, same with Harry Potter, dummies books, etc.
Sure, someone’s going to run a query and find an exception and will post their ‘gotchas’ here. And yes, everyone has an opinion about what Scribd should be doing to combat infringing users. And someone will upload a copyrighted book, and will post their “See?! They STEAL!!” comments before the copyright filter finds it. They always do.
But the fact is Scribd is doing far more than any of our competitors in this area. We have a far more responsive and effective copyright policy than any of our competitors. As a result, Scribd has more deals with major publishers than any of our competitors.