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Looks very cool.

For anyone else wondering how heavy this is on a MacOS, I ran the install script and it just delegated to brew... brew listed the following packages being installed:

    ==> Fetching dependencies for unikraft/cli/kraftkit: aarch64-elf-binutils, gmp, mpfr, aarch64-elf-gcc, coreutils, gettext, readline, gawk, gnu-sed, pcre2, grep, make, capstone, dtc, mpdecimal, ca-certificates, openssl@3, sqlite, python@3.12, glib, libunistring, libidn2, p11-kit, libnghttp2, unbound, gnutls, jpeg-turbo, libslirp, libssh, libusb, ncurses, snappy, vde, qemu, socat, wget, x86_64-elf-binutils and x86_64-elf-gcc
Most should already exist on your mac if you do development... it seems to rely on qemu, unsurprisingly... openjdk as well (probably to support Java out-of-the-box?), imagegick etc.

Took a few minutes to finish installing... the CLI seems to be based on the Docker commands (build, clean, run, 'net create', inspect etc.), some package-manager like commands ('pkg info', 'pkg pull', 'pkg list' etc.), a bunch of "cloud" commands (I suppose that's the non-free part) and "compose" commands just like docker-compose. Interesting stuff.

Note for the parent commenter: the Lua link in the landing page is broken: https://github.com/unikraft/catalog/tree/main/examples/http-...

I tried to run the C hello world example... I get an error, it wants to run Docker?!?! I thought the whole point was to avoid Docker (and containers)??

Here's the log:

i creating ephemeral buildkit container W could not connect to BuildKit client '' is BuildKit running? W W By default, KraftKit will look for a native install which W is located at /run/buildkit/buildkit.sock. Alternatively, you W can run BuildKit in a container (recommended for macOS users) W which you can do by running: W W docker run --rm -d --name buildkit --privileged moby/buildkit:latest W export KRAFTKIT_BUILDKIT_HOST=docker-container://buildkit W W For more usage instructions visit: https://unikraft.org/buildkit W E creating buildkit container: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?: failed to create container

PS. running the hello-world pre-built "image" worked:

> kraft run unikraft.org/helloworld:latest


A lot of stuff looks broken on MacOS.

For example, `kraft menu` doesn't work (error "no choices provided", even though the docs show it working fine without "choices"?)...

`kraft run --elfloader loaders.unikraft.org/strace:latest ./my_binary` also doesn't work (the docs show it working). Error: "unknown flag: --elfloader".

Seems like the product is still in alpha?!

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