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we arguably already had this with things like python venv.

the articles main point still remains, containers are a slow and bloated answer to this problem.

I concede youll need containers for Kubernetes, and Kubernetes on the surface is a very good idea, but this level of infrastructure automation exists already in things like foreman and openstack. designs like shift-on-stack trade simplicity of traditional hardware for ever byzantine levels of brittle versioned complexity...so ultimately instead of fixing the problem we invoke the god of immutability, destroy and rebuild, and hope the problem fixes itself somehow...its really quite comical.

baremetal rust/python/go with good architecture and CI will absolutely crush container workloads in a fraction of disk, CPU, RAM, and personal frustration.

Python venv is language specific, doesn't handle the interpreter version and doesn't handle C libraries.

I really don't understand why people do this: I get having a distaste for containers but some people, seeing the massive success of OCI images, mainly seem content on trying to figure out how to discredit its popularity, rather than trying to understand why it's popular. The former may be good for contrarian Internet forums, but the latter is more practically useful and interesting.

I say this with some level of understanding as I also have a distaste for containers and Docker is not my preferred way to do "hermetic" or "reproducible" (I am a huge Nix proponent.) I want to get past the "actually it was clearly useless from the start" because it wasn't...

Not really, you'd still need a proper chroot / etc.

Check out https://github.com/jrz/container-shell

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