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Most of that effort should be sharable. if you know you will only have one python process you can get rid of a lot of cruft. If you know you will be running in a VM then you only need the driver for the network interface the VM provides not every network interface every designed (often including ones that your hardware doesn't even physically support). So while there is serious time investment it isn't nearly as much as it would be to write a competitor to linux.

I'm not sure if I missed a bit here, but I have some colleagues doing research on unikernels for HPC and the point is that this unikernel is running directly on the hardware or hypervisor and not inside another VM. The unikernel is effectively a minimal VM and the network stack is one of the things they struggle the most with due to sheer effort.

[One of the authors of the paper] I wouldn't recommend writing a network stack from scratch, that is a lot of effort. Instead, with the Unikraft LF project (www.unikraft.org) we took the lwip network stack and turned it into a Unikraft lib/module. At KraftCloud we also have a port of the FreeBSD stack.

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