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Did a port of busybox bzip2 compression code to plain and simple C99, and cproc/qbe gives me 70-80% of gcc (13.2.0) speed on amd zen2 (tinycc generated machine code is 2 times slower than gcc, but it is really simple and clean assembly code... so it will have its use cases...).

Namely, the combo of cproc/qbe + custom assembly would be the perfect toolchain for a lean open source stack with more than decent performance. Yeah, but we have still people missing out why c++ is so much toxic...

Wow thank you for these back of the envelope benchmarks. I wanted to "feel out" the practicality of using tinycc with cosmopolitan over the provided gcc implementation (mostly as a fun project to re-educate myself with c and assembly) but now I think I might be better off just using the provided toolset and "building something useful" (aka now I want to get lost in how the strace/xed/dynamic assembly stuff works in cosmopolitan as it's my current favorite discovered dark art while looking through its codebase)

"my current favourite discovered dark art" is an excellent way to put it and I may end up stealing it.

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