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From Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fine-structure_constant and following further links:

  4*π*ε_0*ħ*c*α = e^2
e is the charge, h is the Planck constant, ε_0 is the electric constant

However, h is heavily related to c with

  E (photon energy) = h*c/λ
where λ is wavelength. And,

  ε_0 = 1 / (μ_0*c^2)
where μ_0 is the magnetic constant, and is determined experimentally as 4π × 1.00000000055(15)×10−7 H⋅m−1.

A Kibble balance (dog food?) has become an instrument for measuring weight from a known current, rather than measuring current from a known weight.*

It looks like this still doesn't cancel out? It's an interesting point as to whether our hypothetical change in c would affect the relationship between photon energy and wavelength, but either way we get a nonzero power of c.

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