That Commodore didn't understand that software sells hardware was obvious back in the early 80's before they bought Commodore. The VIC-20 was incompatible with the PET, The CBM-II line was incompatible with the PET, the C64 was incompatible with the VIC-20, the Plus/4 was incompatible with the C64, the C128 was incompatible with the C64, although it had a compatibility mode. All the C64 compatibility mode did was ensure the C128 mode was rarely used.
The only reasons Commodore was successful is that their hardware engineering was great and their products were inexpensive. Apple had weak hardware and high prices, Atari had great hardware and high prices.
Jack Tramiel never used a computer until he was given an iPad. He never understood computers. He would have been just as successful selling bicycles.
The only reasons Commodore was successful is that their hardware engineering was great and their products were inexpensive. Apple had weak hardware and high prices, Atari had great hardware and high prices.
Jack Tramiel never used a computer until he was given an iPad. He never understood computers. He would have been just as successful selling bicycles.