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Released my game on steam but people say it's creepy (steampowered.com)
3 points by praxx 46 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Havent tried it yet, but it looks promising and the comments you are getting are all positive :D great job. Looks fun.

Also really happy it seems to run on 'any gpu' and basically my 15 year old potato can likely run it awesomely :D So many games, even simple ones, have such steep requirements. Not sure why, maybe calling specific APIs only supported on later devices, or bad memory management etc.

Wondering a bit where the 2GB of ram requirement comes from. Is this to run windows 7 alongside it? :D It seems this might be able to run with much less memory but i do know looks can be deceiving... (just the game's memory usage, not system-wide).

Did you make these metrics based on system-wide memory usage or usage of the game's process itself?

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