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How to Take Good Photos for Under $1k (2013) (prolost.com)
3 points by Tomte 50 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

This article holds up really well. Only things I would suggest is to consider Darktable instead of Lightroom; it will 100% meet your personal needs, and probably meet real world professional needs in most cases too.

I would also suggest considering a compact point and shoot instead of a DSLR or mirrorless. I have gotten way better shots with my ~$700 ZV-100 (marketed as a vlogging camera, but it's great for photos too) than I have gotten with my DSLR in the time that I have had both, simply because I actually take my ZV-100 everywhere. Image quality wise it sits between my cell phone and my DSLR, but being able to put it in my pocket like my phone has been a game changer.

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