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A Ford is considered “reliable” now? I suppose the Ford psyops are working.

Buddy in the independent repair shop business cites Fords as his most profitable vehicle manufacture. He knows when a Ford rolls into his shop, it’s usually going to be a ton of work to keep his boys busy. Or the customer ends up declining all repairs.

Expect to replace Ford vehicles on a regular interval (4-5 years?) or pay up on costly repair items.

For alternatives, if you are entering a trade honestly consider a work van or “sprinter”. Much better at storing and transporting your equipment. If this is a vehicle that will just be hauling groceries around, honestly reconsider why you are buying a truck in the first place.

Keep in mind there is a lot of sampling bias here. You would absolutely expect a mechanic to get a lot of specimens from one of the most popular manufacturers.

VW is rated way worse for reliability, but it can be tricky to find a mechanic that is savvy with them since there are just fewer units running around.

This is good to know, thank you! But not very useful advice hahaha! :)

What’s not useful?

You didn’t say what kind of utility you’re looking to get out your vehicle. Do you need to haul a bunch of equipment, or loads of mulch, or go off-road in the weekends?

I guess that’s fair enough, I didn’t say that. I suppose I was looking more for something like: I bought this, I like it because that, but it is bad because of some other thing.

I haven’t really specced it out, I just like the aesthetic. But I suppose: off road, some equipment (bikes, etc), can sleep in it.

Btw cool username !!! Haha :)

> I haven’t really specced it out, I just like the aesthetic.

I think you are the exact target market for an F150. Go nuts. We have backup planets, right? Just buy the biggest, coolest looking thing you can find!

Hahaha :) Thanks for the encouragement hehe! :)

Cool, let me know where these backup planets are.

Hahahahahahahaha! :)

We don’t have any backups. Hahaha! :)

But I don't think you should be worried about cars.

Human-mediated temperature excursions are not the problem.

In fact, we should embrace it to prepare for the larger temperature excursions that result from the planet's natural cycles.

Good practice. Hahaha! :)

Hahaha hehehehe

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