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Coming back to this I just wanna make an accurate comparison here

As an example: my user journey when starting my drive to the office in the morning is a 2 step process: (1) find phone, or hope it hasn't run out of battery while you were wherever (2) open door (3) sit down (4) close door and (5) put in drive and (6) drive because it's not actually self-driving despite the name.

Especially in the winter that used to be 10+ steps for an ICE car: don't find key because it's on the keyring I used to lock the house; unlock car while you're walking to it so it doesn't make any difference; (1) open door; (2) sit down; don't adjust seat because plenty of ICE cars have had automatic seat adjustment for decades, this isn't even remotely close to an innovation, I used to have a 1996 with this feature, and it could even be linked to the keypad code you used or the keyfob you used; (3) close door; (4) press button to start engine; automatic defrosters also exist; remote start also exists; (5) put in drive and (6) drive

It's almost like either way the process is literally "get key, get in, and drive away" because a car is a car... The key being your phone doesn't actually change anything.

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