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At the end of the event, it also said "Edited on Mac and iPad".

I wonder why it didn't say Edited on Mac and iPad with Final Cut Pro"...

I thought they said they used Final Cut Pro when they released a making of video for the Halloween event.

Were they might’ve just said they let the people use whatever they normally used instead even if that was a competitors product.

I’m not sure there are other video editing things on the iPad that a professional would use are there?

Well there is Davinci Resolve for iPad: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/davinci-resolve-for-ipad/id158...

I mean it's absolutely possible of course that they have used Final Cut. But then it would be kinda funny if they didn't highlight that, in a video that was more or less specifically about iPad Pro and also had a section about Final Cut on iPad.

> I thought they said they used Final Cut Pro when they released a making of video for the Halloween event.

If you mean this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3dbG9pAi8I

then what you see for editing is Adobe Premier and what you see for color grading is Davinci Resolve.

That was the one. Guess I remembered wrong.

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