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It's not misleading.

iPhone has a lot of things that other bodies won't have. A chip powerful enough to do on-device editing, a top-tier calibrated OLED screen with 1600 nits HDR brightness, an extensive suite of apps, on-board AI, etc etc.

I think it's really cool to see these devices become even more capable.

Professionals will never use a rig like that, and the implication when they say "shot with iPhone" is that by buying iPhone you'll be able to shoot something like that, so it is misleading advertising.

Never say never. Steven Soderbergh shot Unsane with phones and I wouldn't be surprised if other commercial movies have been shot on phones.

True, it would be better to say 99% of professionals won't be using rigs like that for the time being, I was generalising.

The van diagram of people who

- can afford the rig showcased here

- use an iphone to shoot professional videos

- edit their videos in a mobile device

is empty

I mean, it can play Fortnite for all the good it does a cameraman. At the end of the day I don't think on-device editing and apps/AI is really a killer feature at all. People want the raw footage, and Apple pushed to make the iPhone capable of that early.

For that matter, does Apple still not offer a way to get regular RAW files from your phone, or are we still stuck in proprietary candyland?

Assuming you're talking about ProRAW, it's not proprietary or a closed format. They're just DNG files that adhere to the DNG 1.6 standard.


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