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If you want security and a paranoid like setup just use Tox. If you want a no-brainer chat app with video support, there's GNU Jami. If you want resilence on natural disasters, keep Braid somewhere.

Tox is not secure. Jason Donnenfeld (of Wireguard fame) filed a very alarming issue about how obviously bad the handshake was implemented[1], and lead developer Andre Almeida (iphydf/noavarice) continued to downplay the severity in public, while fashioning exploits based on it inside his "Club Cyberia" Tox group to weaponize said issue.

Stay away from Tox.

1. https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore/issues/426

Does GNU Jami work in the middle-east where most voip are banned, and only middle-eastern intelligence agency run apps like BotIM are allowed?

Tox might.

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