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> Take a look at this PR for example: https://github.com/julep-ai/julep/pull/311

I am still confused if vector size should be 1024 or 728 lol.

Lolll. It’s 1024 but only for documents and not the tools (we changed the embedding model for RAG)

Why isn’t the AI suggesting putting into an appropriately named const? Magic numbers are poor practice.

Good catch. The team could add this rule to their Ellipsis config file to make sure that it's always flagged: "Never use magic numbers. Always store the number in a variable and use the variable instead."

Docs: https://docs.ellipsis.dev/config#add-custom-rules

But even that isn’t ALWAYS the case. There are times when it is appropriate to have numbers inline, as long as they’re not repeated.

This is where good judgement comes in, which is difficult to encode rules for.

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